Rich product catalog
We know that the product catalog is key to your success. That's why in Summer Cart e-shop you can easily add:
- unlimited number of products and categories
- unlimited images
- short and long product descriptions, category description
- retail and wholesale prices
- quantities in stock
- SEO titles, keywords and descriptions

At your disposal you have many features for advanced merchants:
- Product options with a price variation – very practical for electronics, technology, books merchants;
- Filtering of products based on characteristics, manufacturer and price range – help your clients find the best product for their budget and the preferred characteristics – very useful feature for merchants of baby and child clothing, jewelery, equipment, electronics;
- Product bundles – you can sell two complementary products (e.g. a laptop and a laptop bag) on a total price better than if bought separately;
- Product variants - an excellent feature for merchants of clothing and shoes, whose goods are offered in a series of colors and sizes.
- Each variant has its own image, quantity in stock, retail and wholesale price;
If the products and the images are too many to enter one by one or if you have a product list in Excel, you can automatically “load” and update the online shop with the help of:
- Products import into Summer Cart from CSV format
- Images import

Do you have high resolution pictures of your products? Excellent. As soon as you upload your pictures, Summer Cart will resize them automatically according to your settings, and generate all needed thumbnails automatically.
- Each product can be listed in multiple categories
- Each product can be “Featured” on the home page and in any number of categories
- Display your products in a category in any order, for example the newest products can be on top
- „Related products“ to each product – show other goods complementing or similar to a product and encourage your clients to see more and buy more;
- An image gallery – apart from the pictures in the product catalog you may also have a separate section Gallery, if you wish to show something special;
Your products deserve the best
Use your brilliance and expertise to show your best in your online shop preparation, because Summer Cart gives you freedom and flexibility.
There is a visual editor (HTML WYSIWYG editor) at your disposal allowing you independently, without technical skills, to:
- style the text description of the products
- create table with sizes or technical specifications
- upload video
- insert additional pictures in the text
- place links to useful pages
- provide files for download, for example if you have a technical documentation

Digital products
Digital products such as music, software, games and electronic books can also be sold via Summer Cart in a completely secure way.
The shop owner chooses whether the digital products shall be downloaded after admin's approval (unlocking) or automatically without human intervention. The first option is extremely practical in high-risk conditions, and in the case when online shop is configured at accept non-electronic payments (bank transfer, cash transfer), and it takes time to clear the payment. The second option is used by shops accepting online payments only, and full automation is desired.
The e-goods are still products, and all of the features available to products can be applied to e-goods as well - discounts, bundles, etc.
How to sell more
Summer Cart gives you a range of options to boost your sales and influence the clients at critical moments.
- The most flexible discounts you have seen – you can set up discounts based on a minimal ordered amount, for selected categories, products, clients, manufacturers or client groups, or any combination of the criteria;
- A „free shipping“ discount
- Discounts with promo codes (coupon codes)
- Wholesale prices and quantity discounts
- Client bonus points – your e-shop visitors may win points and therefore – discounts when recommending a product to a friend, rating a product, writing a review, or placing an order;
- Products bundle
- Related products
- Featured products
- New products
- Bestsellers
- Products comparison
- Send to friend
- Add to wishlist
- Image gallery

Freedom to design your shop in any way
We are sure you have plenty of ideas for the design and layout of your eshop. Each merchant can, without any technical knowledge, do the following:
- use the four built-in designs
- manage the pages contents using the visual editor
- add new links in the main menus
- create new menus
- arrange boxes
- create new pages
- place banners
- place Skype button and Facebook ‚Like“
- place additional scripts, such as a counter and Live chat
If you have HTML/CSS expertise you may edit the templates and change colors, images, or anything else through a FTP client.
If you wish a professional web design, Summer Cart gives you full freedom to follow your ideas:
- Summer Cart is open-source
- entirely template-based
- any web designer can create a unique design or professionally prepared template for your eshop
- Summer Cart supports multiple layouts allowing really unlimited options for creating a specific design for each page;

Customer care
How many people can brag about having an individual discount in an online shop? Your clients can, because with Summer Cart you can provide them with personal discounts.
Clients love the free delivery, that is why Summer Cart grants them automatically free delivery if they meet your requirements.
If a client writes reviews or rates a product you can award them with bonus points that they can spend on future purchases.
Your online shop can offer a choice of payment methods, as Summer Cart has over 30 built-in payment modules, and also "collect on delivery" and "wire transfer".
Easy and automatic optimization for Google, Yahoo, Bing
The e-shop software Summer Cart has unique built-in SEO features making your online shop more accessible for the search engines. Your products will be displayed with relevant links in the popular search engines and will quickly attract the attention of the interested customers. We know that the search engines optimization is critical for the success of each website and e-shop. This is precisely why Summer Cart is 100% optimized and there are SEO options with proven effect.
- The only e-commerce solution that has multiple automatic SEO features
- Strutured as recommended by Google
- Product names and category names are part of the urls
- You may change any url as you see fit
- You have МЕТА tags on every page - you just enter the most important keyword phrases about the product, and Summer Cart will put then in the META tags
- Another benefit is that you define how the Title tag of each page will look like, and then the generation is automatic. In the Title tag you may put the name of the product + category + path + name of store, or any combination, and gain higher position in Google