Rich product catalog
We know that the product catalog is key to your success. That's why in Summer Cart e-shop you can easily add:
- unlimited number of products and categories
- unlimited images
- short and long product descriptions, category description
- retail and wholesale prices
- quantities in stock
- SEO titles, keywords and descriptions

At your disposal you have many features for advanced merchants:
- Product options with a price variation – very practical for electronics, technology, books merchants;
- Filtering of products based on characteristics, manufacturer and price range – help your clients find the best product for their budget and the preferred characteristics – very useful feature for merchants of baby and child clothing, jewelery, equipment, electronics;
- Product bundles – you can sell two complementary products (e.g. a laptop and a laptop bag) on a total price better than if bought separately;
- Product variants – an excellent feature for merchants of clothing and shoes, whose goods are offered in a series of colors and sizes.
- Each variant has its own image, quantity in stock, retail and wholesale price;
If the products and the images are too many to enter one by one or if you have a product list in Excel, you can automatically „load“ and update the online shop with the help of:
- Products import into Summer Cart from CSV format
- Images import

30+ payment modules
The many built-in payment modules will have you started in no time. We support not just the high profile payment companies like PayPal and Moneybookers, but many regional and contry specific payment processors. If you don't find your prefered payment processor please contact us, we may have a module for it.
- We strive to support not just the most standard payment operations, but we also support additional operations like authorise/capture, refund, void, partial capture on selected processors.
- All payment modules are secure - utilize secret codes, one-way hashes and any other security protocols as specified by the specific payment processors.
Manage content like a pro
No website management experience necessary. With Summer Cart you can easily manage all aspects to the content management direcly from the admin area.
Any merchant can, on their own, without technical experience:
- use any of the 4 built-in skins
- use WYSIWYG editor to manage content
- create and edit menu items
- create new menus
- rearrange any of the client area boxes
- create new pages
- add banners
- add Skype button and Facebook ‚Like“
- add additional scripts like Web analytics or Live chat
From day one you can easily enter information about your company, partners, add articles and other useful to your customers info.

10 methods to calculate the shipping cost
You are free to choose how the shipping is calculated with Summer Cart's flexible system:
- flat rate shipping – e.g. the shipping costs $5, irrespective of weight and order amount
- free shipping – the merchant has many options how and when to offer it – first, you select the region where the free shipping is valid, after that you choose if there is a minimum order amount for the free shipping, if it is limited to specific product category or categories, specific products, clients, client groups or manufacturers;
- digital delivery – if you sell e-goods you can use digital delivery
- fee based on weight or order amount
For the US and Canadian markets Summer Cart retrieves real time shipping quotes from UPS, USPS, FedEx and CanadaPost.
Your e-store on Facebook
This is an e-commerce application for Facebook, one of the few available in the world. Add a Shop section in your Facebook page and watch your fans praise your forward thinking.
- The „Summer Cart Facebook” module supports automatic publishing of your products, product categories, prices, discounts and promo products. Your fans and millions Facebook users will lay eyes on your products, Like and Share the goods from your store without leaving their favourite social platform.

Summer Cart's unique marketing features
Stimulate your sales and influence your clients while they are making their choice.
- The most flexible discounts you have seen – you can set up discounts based on a minimal ordered amount, for selected categories, products, clients, manufacturers or client groups, or any combination of the criteria;
- A „free shipping“ discount
- Discounts with promo codes (coupon codes)
- Wholesale prices and quantity discounts
- Client bonus points – your e-shop visitors may win points and therefore – discounts when recommending a product to a friend, rating a product, writing a review, or placing an order;
- Products bundle
- Related products
- Featured products
- New products
- Bestsellers
- Products comparison
- Send to friend
- Add to wishlist
- Image gallery
While other merchants are bumping into the technical limitations of their shopping cart software, you as a Summer Cart owner will easily sell more.
The reports are your best advisor
Summer Cart has a number of useful reports:
- Unique website visitors
- Unique views per category
- Unique views per product
- The ratio of page views to unique views
- You control the level of detail and time frame.
You will see clearly the customer interest trends and will be confident that your next move will be successful.

Summer Cart has a multitude of order related reports:
- Sales by product, category, customer and country
- Average order amount
- Order statuses
- Orders by payment methods
- Orders by shipping methods
- Number of items per order
- You control the level of detail and time frame
It takes a few moments to see your high profile clients, bestsellers, and how your orders correlate to the payment and shipping methods, and easily decide how to foster your sales.
Easy and auotmatic SEO optimization for Google, Yahoo, Bing
Summer Cart has everything you need to push your e-store into top positions on Google. You just have to use the built-in capabilities of the platform, and that will take you 95% of the way. Summer Cart has unique SEO features.
- The only e-commerce solution that has so many automatic SEO features
- Structure following Google rules
- The names of the products and categeries are automatically put in the urls
- You can changed any url to improve SEO
- There are МЕТА tags on all pages - you only need to fill in what is most important for a certain product or category in the form of 10-20 keywords or key phrases, and Summer Cart places them in META tags
- In Summer Cart you define the structure of the Title Tag and the chosen SEO-friendly title is automatically gerenerated. For each page, product, category you can write or generate any text in the Title Tag and gain top position in the Google.

Email newsletter
Clients will be happy to receive news for promotions, new products or discounts and Summer Cart gives you all you need to implement successful email marketing campaigns.
- A visual editor helps you easily create well-arranged emails and send them to thousands with just one button.
- If you have a list of emails you gathered outside the online shop, you can easily add them to your subscribers.
- Detailed statistics give insights to the success and conversion rates of your email newsletter.
- Statistics are daily and summarized for number of emails sent, opened and clicked-through.
- We don't want to risk you being marked as spammer – each newsletter contains a link to unsubscribe from the newsletter.
- The newsletter is multilingual: it recognizes the customer's language automatically taking into consideration what language was used during the registration.
Sell from day one
Summer Cart has support for Google Product Search (Google Base).
With the help of the Google Base product feed you can show your products to millions of searching visitors, looking specifically to buy products. Attract customers from day one.